Monday, February 19, 2007

Biomedical engineering education history in Nepal

hi good evening,
the education in nepal started very lately. and biomedical enginering just recently.
we have lots of hospitals here; both private and public. these hospitals have different equipments as well. most of them broken down with small problems. they are waiting to be mended. we don't have the engineers who can fix them. have the machines but can't use them , such a pity condition.
knowing all these and a biomedical enginer himself, Er V P shrivastava, decided to run a biomedical engineering college to train students to be the man power needed. he established a college called "College of biomedical engineering and applied sciences" affliated to purwanchhal university in 2005.
now i am proud to say that i am aslo a student of this pioneer and the only college of it's kind in nepal and i am runnning in my first year.
i am the second batch of this college.we are not that equiped with sophesticated machines and labs but hope to be in future. i hope we will get the support and oppertunites to work in this field and try help hospitals run better with all its machines or weapons working properly.
this much for today.
this is mukesh

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